News Articles

Confidence and Uncertainty - A multilabel AI-based model for evaluating protein expression in testis


In a study led by researchers in the HPA and at Brunel University London, a novel method for automated annotation of immunohistochemistry images was developed for annotating cell type-specific protein expression of 8 different cell types in human testis. The work comprised 7848 images (corresponding to 2794 proteins) and the image classifier also provided a novel uncertainty metrics (called DeepHistoClass), for identification of manual annotation errors. The workflow can be implemented for other tissues or utilized in large-scale protein mapping efforts for sourcing high-quality data...Read more

HUTER - a single-cell spatial reference map of the human uterus

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In a new international project - the Human Uterus Cell Atlas (HUTER) - researchers from the Human Protein Atlas and three other European countries will create a single-cell and spatial reference map of the human uterus. The HUTER project has been funded 4 million Euro from the European Union program H2020, and will run for two years (2020-2021)...Read more

The in situ expression of missing proteins in spermatogenesis


Spermatogenesis is the process where sperm are made, and it involves thousands of genes and proteins that are activated and repressed. The function of a large proportion of these genes and proteins remains unknown and testis harbors many "missing proteins" (MPs)...Read more

The Fertilizing Fallopian Tubes

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The fallopian tube mucosal layer is a simple columnar epithelium composed of secretory and ciliated epithelial cells, in order to provide the necessary environment for fertilization of the egg cell...Read more