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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Celli Pathologyi Brain Blood
P2RY11Purinergic receptor P2Y11
P3H4Prolyl 3-hydroxylase family member 4 (non-enzymatic)
PARP15Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase family member 15
PBX4PBX homeobox 4
PDCD1Programmed cell death 1
PDGFDPlatelet derived growth factor D
PLCG1Phospholipase C gamma 1
PRDM1PR/SET domain 1
PRF1Perforin 1
PRKCHProtein kinase C eta
PTGDRProstaglandin D2 receptor
PYHIN1Pyrin and HIN domain family member 1
RAD54BRAD54 homolog B (S. cerevisiae)
RALGDSRal guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator
RASGRF2Ras protein specific guanine nucleotide releasing factor 2
RGS9Regulator of G protein signaling 9
S1PR5Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 5
SAMD3Sterile alpha motif domain containing 3
SCML4Scm polycomb group protein like 4
SELENOMSelenoprotein M
SGCESarcoglycan epsilon
SLA2Src like adaptor 2
SLC25A42Solute carrier family 25 member 42
SLFN12LSchlafen family member 12 like
SLFN5Schlafen family member 5
SPEF2Sperm flagellar 2
SPOCK2SPARC/osteonectin, cwcv and kazal like domains proteoglycan 2
TGFBR3Transforming growth factor beta receptor 3
TJP3Tight junction protein 3
TMEM121Transmembrane protein 121
TNIKTRAF2 and NCK interacting kinase
TTC39BTetratricopeptide repeat domain 39B
ZNF365Zinc finger protein 365
ZNF831Zinc finger protein 831
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