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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Celli Pathologyi Brain Blood
GXYLT2Glucoside xylosyltransferase 2
H6PDHexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase/glucose 1-dehydrogenase
HGFHepatocyte growth factor
HIC1HIC ZBTB transcriptional repressor 1
HIF3AHypoxia inducible factor 3 alpha subunit
HIGD2BHIG1 hypoxia inducible domain family member 2B
HMSDHistocompatibility minor serpin domain containing
HOXC10Homeobox C10
HOXC5Homeobox C5
HOXC8Homeobox C8
HRH1Histamine receptor H1
HSPB2Heat shock protein family B (small) member 2
HSPB6Heat shock protein family B (small) member 6
HTR2A5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2A
HTRA1HtrA serine peptidase 1
IGFBP4Insulin like growth factor binding protein 4
IGFBP6Insulin like growth factor binding protein 6
IGIPIgA inducing protein
IL17RCInterleukin 17 receptor C
IL17REInterleukin 17 receptor E
IL1R1Interleukin 1 receptor type 1
IL1RL2Interleukin 1 receptor like 2
IL34Interleukin 34
IL6STInterleukin 6 signal transducer
INSCINSC, spindle orientation adaptor protein
IRAK3Interleukin 1 receptor associated kinase 3
ISLRImmunoglobulin superfamily containing leucine rich repeat
ITGA10Integrin subunit alpha 10
ITGBL1Integrin subunit beta like 1
KANK2KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 2
KCND2Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 2
KCNJ15Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily J member 15
KCNK2Potassium two pore domain channel subfamily K member 2
KDELR3KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 3
KLF4Kruppel like factor 4
KLF9Kruppel like factor 9
KLHDC1Kelch domain containing 1
KLRC3Killer cell lectin like receptor C3
LAMA2Laminin subunit alpha 2
LAMA4Laminin subunit alpha 4
LAMB1Laminin subunit beta 1
LAMB2Laminin subunit beta 2
LAMC1Laminin subunit gamma 1
LGALS3Galectin 3
LIN7ALin-7 homolog A, crumbs cell polarity complex component
LIPALipase A, lysosomal acid type
LOXL1Lysyl oxidase like 1
LPAR1Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1
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