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Gene descriptioni x
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ASAP3ArfGAP with SH3 domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 3
ASIPAgouti signaling protein
BCL6B cell CLL/lymphoma 6
BMPERBMP binding endothelial regulator
BNC2Basonuclin 2
BRINP1BMP/retinoic acid inducible neural specific 1
C14orf39Chromosome 14 open reading frame 39
C16orf86Chromosome 16 open reading frame 86
C1orf54Chromosome 1 open reading frame 54
C1orf87Chromosome 1 open reading frame 87
C1QTNF1C1q and TNF related 1
C1RComplement C1r
C1RLComplement C1r subcomponent like
C1SComplement C1s
C22orf15Chromosome 22 open reading frame 15
C2CD6C2 calcium dependent domain containing 6
C2orf40Chromosome 2 open reading frame 40
C2orf73Chromosome 2 open reading frame 73
C4AComplement C4A (Rodgers blood group)
CACNB2Calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit beta 2
CADM3Cell adhesion molecule 3
CALCOCO1Calcium binding and coiled-coil domain 1
CASTOR1Cytosolic arginine sensor for mTORC1 subunit 1
CBLN3Cerebellin 3 precursor
CCDC102BCoiled-coil domain containing 102B
CCDC122Coiled-coil domain containing 122
CCDC158Coiled-coil domain containing 158
CCDC183Coiled-coil domain containing 183
CCDC192Coiled-coil domain containing 192
CCDC39Coiled-coil domain containing 39
CCDC68Coiled-coil domain containing 68
CCDC8Coiled-coil domain containing 8
CCDC80Coiled-coil domain containing 80
CCL13C-C motif chemokine ligand 13
CCL7C-C motif chemokine ligand 7
CCL8C-C motif chemokine ligand 8
CD163CD163 molecule
CD248CD248 molecule
CDH11Cadherin 11
CDKN1ACyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1A
CEBPDCCAAT/enhancer binding protein delta
CFBComplement factor B
CFHComplement factor H
CFIComplement factor I
CH25HCholesterol 25-hydroxylase
CHI3L1Chitinase 3 like 1
CHST2Carbohydrate sulfotransferase 2
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