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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Celli Pathologyi Brain Blood
SSX4BSSX family member 4B
TDRD15Tudor domain containing 15
TGIF2LYTGFB induced factor homeobox 2 like, Y-linked
TIMD4T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain containing 4
TLR7Toll like receptor 7
TMPRSS11FTransmembrane serine protease 11F
TNFRSF13BTNF receptor superfamily member 13B
TSHRThyroid stimulating hormone receptor
TSPY1Testis specific protein, Y-linked 1
TSPY2Testis specific protein, Y-linked 2
TSPY3Testis specific protein, Y-linked 3
TSPY4Testis specific protein, Y-linked 4
TUBA3CTubulin alpha 3c
UMODL1Uromodulin like 1
UNC13CUnc-13 homolog C
UTS2RUrotensin 2 receptor
VCX2Variable charge, X-linked 2
WDR87WD repeat domain 87
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