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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Celli Pathologyi Brain Blood
ABCG4ATP binding cassette subfamily G member 4
ANKS1BAnkyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 1B
CACNG3Calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit gamma 3
CALHM1Calcium homeostasis modulator 1
CALYCalcyon neuron specific vesicular protein
CAMK2N1Calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II inhibitor 1
CAMK2N2Calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II inhibitor 2
CDH9Cadherin 9
CHI3L2Chitinase 3 like 2
CHRNA5Cholinergic receptor nicotinic alpha 5 subunit
CLVS1Clavesin 1
DDX25DEAD-box helicase 25
DNERDelta/notch like EGF repeat containing
DOCK3Dedicator of cytokinesis 3
EGR4Early growth response 4
FGF2Fibroblast growth factor 2
GPR26G protein-coupled receptor 26
GRIN1Glutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit 1
GRIN2DGlutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit 2D
HAPLN4Hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 4
HCN4Hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide gated potassium channel 4
HTR75-hydroxytryptamine receptor 7
KCNH8Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 8
KCNJ10Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily J member 10
KIF5AKinesin family member 5A
KSR2Kinase suppressor of ras 2
LINGO1Leucine rich repeat and Ig domain containing 1
LMTK3Lemur tyrosine kinase 3
LRRC4CLeucine rich repeat containing 4C
MAP6D1MAP6 domain containing 1
MYBPC1Myosin binding protein C, slow type
NCAM2Neural cell adhesion molecule 2
NEFLNeurofilament light
NPTX1Neuronal pentraxin 1
NPTXRNeuronal pentraxin receptor
OPRK1Opioid receptor kappa 1
PCDH11XProtocadherin 11 X-linked
PCDHGC5Protocadherin gamma subfamily C, 5
PCP4L1Purkinje cell protein 4 like 1
PDE1BPhosphodiesterase 1B
PTPRNProtein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type N
PTPRZ1Protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type Z1
REEP2Receptor accessory protein 2
SCCPDHSaccharopine dehydrogenase (putative)
SCG2Secretogranin II
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