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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Celli Pathologyi Brain Blood
COL4A3Collagen type IV alpha 3 chain
COL4A3BPCollagen type IV alpha 3 binding protein
COL4A4Collagen type IV alpha 4 chain
COL4A5Collagen type IV alpha 5 chain
COL4A6Collagen type IV alpha 6 chain
COL5A1Collagen type V alpha 1 chain
COL5A2Collagen type V alpha 2 chain
COL6A1Collagen type VI alpha 1 chain
COL6A2Collagen type VI alpha 2 chain
COL6A3Collagen type VI alpha 3 chain
COL7A1Collagen type VII alpha 1 chain
COL8A2Collagen type VIII alpha 2 chain
COL9A1Collagen type IX alpha 1 chain
COL9A2Collagen type IX alpha 2 chain
COL9A3Collagen type IX alpha 3 chain
COLEC10Collectin subfamily member 10
COLEC11Collectin subfamily member 11
COLQCollagen like tail subunit of asymmetric acetylcholinesterase
COMPCartilage oligomeric matrix protein
COPACoatomer protein complex subunit alpha
COQ2Coenzyme Q2, polyprenyltransferase
COQ4Coenzyme Q4
COQ6Coenzyme Q6, monooxygenase
COQ7Coenzyme Q7, hydroxylase
COQ8ACoenzyme Q8A
COQ8BCoenzyme Q8B
COQ9Coenzyme Q9
CORINCorin, serine peptidase
CORO1ACoronin 1A
COX10COX10, heme A:farnesyltransferase cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor
COX14COX14, cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor
COX15COX15, cytochrome c oxidase assembly homolog
COX20COX20, cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor
COX4I2Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 4I2
COX5ACytochrome c oxidase subunit 5A
COX6A1Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6A1
COX6B1Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6B1
COX7BCytochrome c oxidase subunit 7B
CPA6Carboxypeptidase A6
CPAMD8C3 and PZP like, alpha-2-macroglobulin domain containing 8
CPN1Carboxypeptidase N subunit 1
CPOXCoproporphyrinogen oxidase
CPS1Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase 1
CPT1ACarnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A
CPT1CCarnitine palmitoyltransferase 1C
CPT2Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2
CR2Complement C3d receptor 2
CRADDCASP2 and RIPK1 domain containing adaptor with death domain
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