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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Celli Pathologyi Brain Blood
NEXNNexilin F-actin binding protein
NOTCH3Notch 3
PALLDPalladin, cytoskeletal associated protein
PARD6APar-6 family cell polarity regulator alpha
PARVAParvin alpha
PDLIM1PDZ and LIM domain 1
PDLIM2PDZ and LIM domain 2
PDLIM5PDZ and LIM domain 5
PDLIM7PDZ and LIM domain 7
PPP1R12AProtein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12A
PRKRIP1PRKR interacting protein 1
PTK2Protein tyrosine kinase 2
RAET1ERetinoic acid early transcript 1E
RALARAS like proto-oncogene A
RFLNBRefilin B
RND1Rho family GTPase 1
RTN4RReticulon 4 receptor
SCAND1SCAN domain containing 1
SCNN1DSodium channel epithelial 1 delta subunit
SDC1Syndecan 1
SEPT10Septin 10
SEPT2Septin 2
SEPT7Septin 7
SEPT9Septin 9
SIGLEC10Sialic acid binding Ig like lectin 10
SLC4A7Solute carrier family 4 member 7
SORBS1Sorbin and SH3 domain containing 1
SPECC1LSperm antigen with calponin homology and coiled-coil domains 1 like
SPRY2Sprouty RTK signaling antagonist 2
SWAP70Switching B cell complex subunit SWAP70
SYNPO2Synaptopodin 2
TEKT5Tektin 5
TESTestin LIM domain protein
TGFB1I1Transforming growth factor beta 1 induced transcript 1
TLN1Talin 1
TLN2Talin 2
TMEM63BTransmembrane protein 63B
TNS1Tensin 1
TNS3Tensin 3
TRIP6Thyroid hormone receptor interactor 6
TRUB1TruB pseudouridine synthase family member 1
VASPVasodilator stimulated phosphoprotein
ZNF185Zinc finger protein 185 with LIM domain
ZNF74Zinc finger protein 74
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