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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Celli Pathologyi Brain Blood
LHX4LIM homeobox 4
LIFRLIF receptor alpha
LIMK1LIM domain kinase 1
LIN52Lin-52 DREAM MuvB core complex component
LMTK2Lemur tyrosine kinase 2
LNP1Leukemia NUP98 fusion partner 1
LPAR1Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1
LRRC8BLeucine rich repeat containing 8 VRAC subunit B
LUC7L3LUC7 like 3 pre-mRNA splicing factor
MAGEA4MAGE family member A4
MAMDC2MAM domain containing 2
MAML3Mastermind like transcriptional coactivator 3
MAMSTRMEF2 activating motif and SAP domain containing transcriptional regulator
MAP3K7Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7
MAPK12Mitogen-activated protein kinase 12
MAPK14Mitogen-activated protein kinase 14
MAPTMicrotubule associated protein tau
MAST3Microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase 3
MBD4Methyl-CpG binding domain 4, DNA glycosylase
MECOMMDS1 and EVI1 complex locus
MED17Mediator complex subunit 17
MFSD11Major facilitator superfamily domain containing 11
MKL2MKL1/myocardin like 2
MKXMohawk homeobox
MNS1Meiosis specific nuclear structural 1
MORF4L1Mortality factor 4 like 1
MSX2Msh homeobox 2
MYADMMyeloid associated differentiation marker
NAMPTNicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase
NCAPG2Non-SMC condensin II complex subunit G2
NCBP3Nuclear cap binding subunit 3
NDUFB1NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B1
NEFLNeurofilament light
NEUROG3Neurogenin 3
NFATC4Nuclear factor of activated T cells 4
NFKBIZNFKB inhibitor zeta
NLRP12NLR family pyrin domain containing 12
NONONon-POU domain containing octamer binding
NR0B1Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 1
NR4A2Nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 2
NR5A2Nuclear receptor subfamily 5 group A member 2
NSL1NSL1, MIS12 kinetochore complex component
OIP5Opa interacting protein 5
OSER1Oxidative stress responsive serine rich 1
OTX1Orthodenticle homeobox 1
PABPN1Poly(A) binding protein nuclear 1
PACSIN2Protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 2
PARNPoly(A)-specific ribonuclease
PASD1PAS domain containing repressor 1
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