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Please wait until image is loaded before changing channels
General description of the gene and encoded protein(s) using information from HGNC and Ensembl, as well as predictions made as well as predictions made by the Human Protein Atlas project.
Protein class(es) of the gene product according to selected gene lists. List of protein classes.
Disease related genes
Predicted locationi
All transcripts of all genes have been analyzed regarding the location(s) of corresponding protein based on prediction methods for signal peptides and transmembrane regions.
Genes with at least one transcript predicted to encode a secreted protein, according to prediction methods or to UniProt location data, have been further annotated and classified with the aim to determine if the corresponding protein(s) are secreted or actually retained in intracellular locations or membrane-attached.
Remaining genes, with no transcript predicted to encode a secreted protein, will be assigned the prediction-based location(s).
The annotated location overrules the predicted location, so that a gene encoding a predicted secreted protein that has been annotated as intracellular will have intracellular as the final location.
Number of protein-coding transcribed from this gene as defined by Ensembl.
Summary of RNA expression and protein localization based on data generated within the Human Protein Atlas project.
Show complete data for human cells assay. The location(s) are highlighted in the illustration on the right.
Mainly localized to the plasma membrane & cell junctions. In addition localized to the nucleoplasm & rods & rings.
RNA cell specificityi
The cell lines in the Human Protein Atlas have been analyzed by RNA-seq to estimate the transcript abundance of each protein-coding gene. The RNA-seq data was then used to classify all genes according to their cell line-specific expression into one of six different categories, defined based on the total set of all NX values in all analyzed cell lines.
Classification of genes according to distribution of their RNA expression among the cell lines within the HPA. The categories include: detected in all, detected in many, detected in some, detected in single and not detected.
Protein evidence scores are generated from several independent sources and are classified as evidence at i) protein level, ii) transcript level, iii) no evidence, or iv) not available.
Evidence at protein level
Main locationi
The main location is characterized by presence in all tested cell lines and/or increased intensity compared to other locations. It is highlighted in the illustration to the right. If available, links to overrepresentation analyses in Reactome, a free, open-source, curated and peer reviewed biological pathway database, are provided. An analysis is done for the corresponding gene set of the proteome localizing to the main and additional locations of the protein on this page, respectively.
Localized to the Plasma membrane (enhanced), Cell Junctions (enhanced)
Additional locationi
Additional locations are characterized by either a markedly lower staining intensity than the main location, or that it is only observed in a subset of the cell lines. They are highlighted in the illustration to the right. If available, links to overrepresentation analyses in Reactome, a free, open-source, curated and peer reviewed biological pathway database, are provided. An analysis is done for the corresponding gene set of the proteome localizing to the main and additional locations of the protein on this page, respectively.
In addition localized to the Nucleoplasm (enhanced), Rods & Rings (approved)
A reliability score is set for all genes and indicates the level of reliability of the analyzed protein expression pattern based on available protein/RNA/gene characterization data. The reliability of the annotated protein expression data is also scored depending on similarity in immunostaining patterns and consistency with available experimental gene/protein characterization data in the UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot database.
Below is an overview of RNA expression data generated in the HPA project. The analyzed cell lines are divided into 12 color-coded groups according to the organ they were obtained from. By clicking the toolbars in the top right corner it is possible to sort the cell lines in the chart by different criteria: the organ and the origin that the cell line was obtained from, the category of the cell line according to cellosaurus, alphabetically or by descending RNA expression. Detailed information about a specific cell line can be accessed by hovering over the corresponding bar in the chart. The RNA-sequencing results generated in the HPA are reported as normalized NX values. In the Human Protein Atlas a NX value of 1.0 is defined as a threshhold for expression of the corresponding protein.
The cell lines in the Human Protein Atlas have been analyzed by RNA-seq to estimate the transcript abundance of each protein-coding gene. The RNA-seq data was then used to classify all genes according to their cell line-specific expression into one of six different categories, defined based on the total set of all NX values in all analyzed cell lines.
Cell lines ordered by organ of phenotypic resemblance.
Cell lines ordered by biological source for establishment order.
Cell lines ordered by category according to Cellosaurus.
Cell lines ordered by descending RNA expression order.
Cell lines in alphabetically order.
The "human cells" section gives an overview about the subcellular location of the protein of interest obtained by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy, an antibody-based protein-visualization technique. The immunofluorescent analysis is carried out in three different cell lines, one of them always being U-2 OS. A selection of immunofluorescent images is displayed below. Three different organelle probes are displayed as different channels in the multicolor images - nucleus stained in blue, microtubules in red and ER in yellow. The antibody staining targeting the protein of interest is shown in green. By using the toggle channel buttons, the different channels can be turned on and off. For the selection of the images to compare, use the checkboxes next to the images at the bottom. Three images can be compared at a time. All images are clickable for an enlarged view. The selected image will appear in large size and miniature images with all other staining results for this gene will be listed at the top left of the image. The selected miniature image has an orange overlay. For cell structure reference, visit the cell dictionary.
Summary of the immunofluorescent analysis in all studied cell lines with all tested antibodies.
Mainly localized to the plasma membrane & cell junctions. In addition localized to the nucleoplasm & rods & rings.
Main locationi
The main location is characterized by presence in all tested cell lines and/or increased intensity compared to other locations.
Additional locations are characterized by either a markedly lower staining intensity than the main location, or that it is only observed in a subset of the cell lines.
Three different organelle probes are displayed as different channels in the multicolor images - nucleus stained in blue, microtubules in red and ER in yellow. The antibody staining targeting the protein of interest is shown in green. By using the "toggle channels"-buttons, the different channels can be turned on and off. The intensity toggle shows the pixel intensity range in 16 different colors for the selected channel. The object toggle shows the computational segmentation of the cells used for further analysis in the HPA project. For samples where cell cycle dependency for the protein is suggested according to a correlation assay the predicted cell cycle position of each cell is displayed when using the object toggle.
Representative images for the assay. Three images can be compared at the same time. To change which images to compare, use the checkboxes next to the images below. All images are clickable for an enlarged view. The selected image will appear in large size and miniature images with all other staining results for this gene will be listed at the top left of the image. The selected miniature image has an orange overlay.
Antibody used for analysis. Clicking the antibody ID links to the antibody validation page.
Cell linei
Cell line used for analysis. Read more about the cell lines in the Human Protein Atlas.
Cell line RNA Expression (NX)i
Information about the gene expression level in the cell line using normalised RNA sequence data. Genes with a value above 1 NX are considered to be expressed. The HPA RNA-seq data is described more in detail in Assays & Annotation.
Location(s) annotated in the corresponding cell line.
Single-cell variationi
As the images in the Cell Atlas provide single cell resolution, variations in protein expression patterns from cell to cell can be observed. A single-cell variation can either be observed in the intensity of the immunofluorescent signal or in the spatial distribution pattern of the protein. This column contains information about whether and for which of the annotated locations a single-cell variation pattern was manually annotated.
Cell cycle dependent variationi
A likely cause for single-cell variation in the immunofluorescent images is cell cycle dependency. This column contains information about whether the manually observed cell-to-cell variation pattern correlates with cell cycle progression.
The custom data section contains information about experiments that were carried out by researchers in the Cell Atlas independent of the general workflow in the project. This includes but is not limited to colocalization experiments with known organelle markers or stainings of proteins in the cell cycle marker cell line U-2 OS FUCCI (Fluorescence Ubiquitination Cell Cycle Indicator). Example images as well as a detailed description of the respective assay are provided. Different organelle probes are displayed as different channels in the multicolor images. By using the "toggle channels"-buttons, the different channels can be turned on and off. To change which images to compare, use the checkboxes next to the images at the bottom. Three images can be compared at a time. All images are clickable for an enlarged view. The selected image will appear in large size and miniature images with all other staining results for this gene will be listed at the top left of the image. The selected miniature image has an orange overlay. If a movie is available click the thumbnail in order to show the video clip.
By using the "toggle channels"-buttons, the different channels can be turned on and off.
Representative images for the assay. Three images can be compared at the same time. To change which images to compare, use the checkboxes next to the images below. All images are clickable for an enlarged view. The selected image will appear in large size and miniature images with all other staining results for this gene will be listed at the top left of the image. The selected miniature image has an orange overlay.
Antibody used for analysis. Clicking the antibody ID links to the antibody validation page.
Cell linei
Cell line used for analysis. Read more about the cell lines in the Human Protein Atlas.
Depending on the type of custom data the assay can be an immunofluorescent image, an immunofluorescent image stack, siRNA validation data or a time-lapse movie.
Description of the assay used to generate the displayed custom data.
U-2 OS cells were treated with Ribavirin to induce the formation of Rods & Rings. Co-localization shows that SCRIB localizes to Rods & Rings as the staining overlaps with a marker for Rods & Rings.
The siRNA validation section gives an overview of the siRNA downregulation assay performed for the antibody. For each HPA antibody, the siRNA downregulation assay is performed in duplicates with two different siRNAs. Only successful assays are included in the Atlas. Read more about siRNA validation. In the table at the top the siRNA validation score for the assay is shown together with the results from the statistical analysis of the analyzed images. The Relative Fluorescence Intensity (RFI) denotes the percentage of remaining staining intensity after siRNA downregulation. The boxplot on the top left is magnified when clicked, and illustrates the changes in fluorescent light intensity between siRNA treated and control (scrambled) samples. Also, the cell segmentation compartment, in which the changes in intensity have been measured, is noted here. siRNA transfected U-2 OS cells are immunofluorescently stained with the corresponding antibody. Images from the scrambled siRNA (negative control) well are displayed to the left and the images from one or two siRNA-assays are displayed to the right. The antibody and intensity channel toggle can be used to further illustrate the intensity downregulation when comparing images from scrambled and targeting siRNA samples in the images. To change which images to compare, use the checkboxes next to the images at the bottom. Three images can be compared at a time. All images are clickable for an enlarged view. The selected image will appear in large size and miniature images with all other staining results for this gene will be listed at the top left of the image. The selected miniature image has an orange overlay.
Antibody used for analysis. Clicking the antibody ID links to the antibody validation page.
For each siRNA validation assay a validation score is assigned based on the decrease in antibody staining intensity upon target protein downregulation.
Enhanced: Significant downregulation > 25% by both siRNA:s.
Analysis performed ini
The cell segmentation compartment in which the changes in intensity have been measured. Depending on the original staining of the HPA antibody, a segmentation region covering either the nucleus, cytoplasm or the whole cell is used in the statistical analysis. Additionally it is noted whether the statistical analysis was performed in the 10x or 40x images.
Cytoplasmic region of segmented cells in 10x-images
siRNA 1i
An siRNA designed specifically against the mRNA transcript corresponding to the protein targeted by the HPA-antibody.
siRNA 2i
An siRNA designed specifically against the mRNA transcript corresponding to the protein targeted by the HPA-antibody.
Relative Fluorescence Intensity (RFI) denotes the percentage of remaining staining intensity after siRNA down regulation. It is calculated by comparing cell population median staining intensities between siRNA down regulation and scrambled (negative control) samples.
The p-value is used to determine whether a result is statistically significant. It was calculated using the Wilcoxon rank sum test (Mann-Whitney). A p-value below 0.01 is considered significant.
Three different organelle probes are displayed as different channels in the multicolor images - nucleus stained in blue, microtubules in red and ER in yellow. The HPA-antibody staining targeting the protein of interest is shown in green. By using the "toggle channels"-buttons, the different channels can be turned on and off. The intensity toggle shows the pixel intensity range in 16 different colors for the selected channel. The antibody and intensity channel toggle can be used to further illustrate the intensity downregulation when comparing images from scrambled and targeting siRNA samples in the images. The object toggle shows the segmentation compartment in which the change in intensity after siRNA downregulation was measured.
Thumbnail 10xi
Representative immunofluorescent images that were acquired with a 10x objective after siRNA downregulation. Three images can be compared at the top of this section. To change which images to compare, use the checkboxes next to the images below. All images are clickable for an enlarged view. The selected image will appear in large size and miniature images with all other staining results for this gene will be listed at the top left of the image. The selected miniature image has an orange overlay.
Thumbnail 40xi
Representative immunofluorescent images that were acquired with a 40x objective. Three images can be compared at the top of this section. To change which images to compare, use the checkboxes next to the images below. All images are clickable for an enlarged view. The selected image will appear in large size and miniature images with all other staining results for this gene will be listed at the top left of the image. The selected miniature image has an orange overlay.
Antibody used for analysis. Clicking the antibody ID links to the antibody validation page.
siRNA that was used for the analysis.
Cell linei
Cell line used for analysis. Read more about the cell lines in the Human Protein Atlas.