News Articles

Highly Multiplexed Imaging of the Kidney to inform Cancer Prevention


Previously, it was believed that the presence of an oncogenic mutation within a cell was sufficient to drive tumour development. However, it is now understood that tissues may contain cells harbouring oncogenic mutations, but that these cells maintain a normal phenotype until an initiating factor promotes oncogenic transformation (Acha-Sagredo et al, 2021). Changes in the cellular milieu and tissue architecture, such as inflammation or parenchymal density, are thought to alter the behaviour of these cells, affecting the likelihood of oncogenic transformation (Ling et al, 2020; Singh et al, 2019). Nonetheless, the precise mechanisms that underlie cancer promotion, and their association with factors such as smoking or obesity, are not fully understood...Read more

Webinar: HCA Biological Networks Series: Reproduction Network


On May 13th the Human Cell Atlas will host a webinar focusing on the reproduction network in which HPA researcher Cecilia Lindskog will give a talk titled "A high-resolution spatio-temporal protein atlas of the human reproductive system"...Read more