News Articles

HPA Tissue resource for Young Minds


An article about the HPA has been published in the magazine Frontiers for Young Minds, explaining the Atlas's purpose and work in simple, engaging language. The magazine is aimed at children and teenagers, but anyone curious about how scientists map cells and tissues in the human body will find the article informative...Read more

10K citations for the Tissue Atlas publication


The research article "Tissue-based map of the human proteome" has reached a major milestone with more than 10,000 citations according to Google Scholar...Read more

Confidence and Uncertainty - A multilabel AI-based model for evaluating protein expression in testis


In a study led by researchers in the HPA and at Brunel University London, a novel method for automated annotation of immunohistochemistry images was developed for annotating cell type-specific protein expression of 8 different cell types in human testis. The work comprised 7848 images (corresponding to 2794 proteins) and the image classifier also provided a novel uncertainty metrics (called DeepHistoClass), for identification of manual annotation errors. The workflow can be implemented for other tissues or utilized in large-scale protein mapping efforts for sourcing high-quality data...Read more

New findings on enzymes with an important role for SARS-CoV-2 infection

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Researchers within the HPA have described the presence of the enzyme ACE2 in the entire human body, which is suggested to be the key protein used by the SARS-CoV-2 virus for host cell entry and development of the disease COVID-19. In contrast to previous studies, the study shows that none or only very low levels of ACE2 protein is present in the normal respiratory system. The results are presented in Molecular Systems Biology...Read more

Movie of the Month - Insulin


The HPA team plans to release a series of "Movie of the month" during 2020. These movies are based on the Human Protein Atlas program, including antibody-based 3D profiling of tissues using light sheet microscopy performed by Dr Csaba Adori at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm...Read more